I was hired to travel to Taos, NM to do photography and videography for SMU-In-Taos, for 6 days. This was the commissioned 30 second spot they wanted.

I was hired to travel to Taos, NM to do photography and videography for SMU-In-Taos, for 6 days. This was the commissioned campus tour video they wanted.

I was hired to produce a new welcome video for Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. They wanted to get their message across and show how open and inviting the church is.

This was a spec ad I shot for the company Ember mugs. This is a representation of the quality you can expect from my company.

This was a brand video we did for Clear Texas Lakes, a non-profit in the DFW area, that goes around picking up trash in the DFW lakes.

I shot this artist brief for a local commercial photographer. We wanted to blend serious, creative, but funny together in this short interview.

I shot this video for the collaboration of the non-profit ForgetMeNot and the basketball tournament. The goal was to document the tournament and interview the main people in both organizations to talk about the importance of mental health awareness.

This was a testimonial video I did for a face mask company. As a freelancer I was surrounded by lots of people in COVID and these masks kept me safe.

I was hired to film this promotional video for South Barbershop in Fort Worth, TX.